The team and governance

The team responsible for steering the national infrastructure interacts with cohort and regulatory authority representatives within orientation and decision-making authorities.


Gregoire Rey, Director

Adel Sakhri, Project manager

Joris Thomassin, Information system project manager

Julie Hubert, User relations manager

Nathalie Chabin, Cross-functional project manager

Thomas Abraham, IT Support Assistant

Laura Nicolas, Health data project manager - SNDS Service Centre

Vincent Benoit, Technical-functional manager

Nadia Belmellat, Data collection tool expert

Simon-Pierre Durieux, Clinical data collection manager

Vally Selvarasa, Data Science Engineer

Said-Karim Bounebache, Expert on methodology and statistical learning

Isabella Vanorio Vega, National health information system (SNDS) expert

Daria Bystrova, Data scientist

Leila Ben Jannette, Finance and administration director

Stéphane Aubert, Secretariat and office management

Lucia Pacheco, Health research/data protection lawyer

Guillemette Pardoux, Communication manager


The governance of France Cohortes is based on :

  • A steering committee made up of representatives of the cohorts working with France Cohortes, serving as project managers. Informed about ongoing work, this committee articulates its vision regarding priority needs for infrastructure development, while also providing integration and guidance on identified challenges;
  • A Trustees' Committee, comprising representatives of the trustees, which offers strategic oversight. This committee validates the directives discussed by the Steering Committee and reports on ongoing resource allocation;
  • Thematic working groups with cohort experts, to provide detailed information, training and outline specific requirements for developed tools. They also maintain technical and scientific awareness, and exchange feedback on implemented services.