What is a health cohort?

A cohort is a powerful scientific research tool that consists of following a population covering common characteristics over time, in order to identify the occurrence of a health event of interest (disease or dysfunction of the body).

The cohort, an essential information-gathering tool on the health of populations

Fighting diseases for the well-being of populations requires rigorous knowledge of the mechanisms underlying their occurrence in everyday life. Cohort studies are recognized by the scientific community as one of the most effective tools for precisely identifying the factors of variations in such diseases.

A cohort is an exceptional observation tool based on individual data collected over a long period of time, which can be used for health research and studies.

By tracking the health condition of a sufficient number of people over time, a cohort makes it possible to identify factors existing in everyday life, such as diet, physical activity, consumption habits, which may cause, aggravate or, conversely, protect against health problems in all or part of the population.

Characterizing the factors influencing the health of individuals therefore is an essential prerequisite for any public health policy aimed at preventing the risks of occurrence or aggravation of diseases, and at reducing health inequalities.